Preparing for Change: A Four Step Program

Dates TBA

Workshop One: Dealing with Relationships

In this workshop, we will introduce you to some ways of identifying and working with patterns of relationship that shape your interaction with others, patterns that usually have deep familial and social roots. Through a series of imaginative exercises, we will help you see these patterns more clearly and learn to move beyond them so that they do not tie up your energy and restrict your ability to respond creatively in the present moment.

Workshop Two: Clearing the Field

In this workshop, we will offer ways to deepen and clear your personal field, both in terms of your inner life and your external situation. We will draw on practices from many traditions that encourage emptying and letting go, cultivating silence and allowing creativity to emerge. There will be time for personal reflection and writing as well as for discussion.

Workshop Three: Finding Spiritual Guidance

In this workshop, we will explore techniques for finding spiritual guidance, whatever your belief system may be. With these you will become more confident, more open and more intuitive in following your own personal path. These techniques will include practical approaches to meditation, the use of prayer and ceremony, and specific practices for engaging more deeply with nature.

Workshop Four: Making Covenants and Contracts

In this workshop, we will work on writing individual vision statements for ourselves, identifying our goals and directions and clarifying our own paths. We will then learn how to make commitments with ourselves and with others that far from being burdensome will enable and support deeper reflection and more effective action.

For future dates, or to request other workshops, please contact Gregory at 802-333-9102 or

You are welcome to take any one of the workshops in any  order; there are no prerequisites and there will be plenty of review.  That said, they have been designed as a series, and the maximum benefit, clarity and potential for growth will come, we think, from taking them in order and completing the set. Dates TBA.

At Cosmic Tree, we are aware that we live and work in a time of profound social, cultural and environmental challenge. Common responses to that challenge are exhaustion, disease and addiction. We offer resources for a better alternative: a way of responding with energy and resilience to our common concerns both for ourselves and our families and for the planet.

Our basic process unfolds in four steps:

  1. understanding our set patterns of relationship to one another and to the world

  1. clearing our minds from attachment to and repetition of these patterns

  1. connecting with spiritual guidance

  1. making commitments to growth and change

We offer these resources in various ways, from individual consultation with clients through lectures and workshops to community initiatives, including prayer and ceremony. If you would like to get in touch with us, please visit our website or give us a call.

Gregory Wilson 802 333 9102, Helen Wilson 802 333 9102, Cleo Kearns 802 333 3527